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Tips on How to Keep Your Cat Happy

By August 31, 2018 Small Animal
  1. Feed your cat well: feeding a well-balanced kibble (and / or canned food) is extremely important for the well-being of your cat. Obesity is the most common source of problems among domesticated cats. Obesity can make it hard for your cat to do regular cat duties, as well as it can lead to multiple health issues.
  2. Keep environment clean; cats need to be clean. In order for them to hunt and be undetectable they need to be odor- free, so regular grooming is necessary to keep them happy.
    1. You don’t need to bathe a cat. They are able to groom themselves (unless they are obese). Cats are very good at keeping themselves odor-free.
    2. Their litter box should be cleaned regularly. They bury their poop to be undetectable; if it is not cleaned routinely they may go outside the litter box. Scoop out the litter box once a day and thoroughly clean litter box 1-2 times a week.
  3. Enrichment: Indoor cats need enrichment to keep their brains active and more importantly to keep them happy! Enrichment can be mental or physical stimulation. Some examples are below:
    1. Catio – a “cage” that is big enough for them to be outside and big enough for them to walk around in it.
    2. Perches near windows
    3. Cat trees
    4. Playtime toys marinated in cat nip, and/ or food puzzles
    5. Drinking fountain
  4. Hiding Places: Cats are usually on high alert most of the time, so some might go and find warm hiding places to rest. Having places for your cat to hide can be critical for her well being. It can be as simple as having a cardboard box, or a cat tree with a cat bed, some cats might even just hide under your bed. So having that spot for them to rest can make them feel safe and keep them happy.

There are multiple things you can do to keep our feline friends happy and healthy; however every individual cat is different in what they prefer. You know your pet best, so if she starts to not act like her normal self, then contact your local veterinarian!

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