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Why is Having a Pet Good for Your Health?

By May 31, 2019 Small Animal

June 2 through 8 is Pet Appreciation Week.  Coventry Animal Hospital wants to take a minute and celebrate our four-legged friends.  Cats and dogs provide us with many mental and physical health benefits.  Give yours a hug while you read this!


  • Pets act as companions and family members
    • They provide company and prevent loneliness
    • They are non-judgmental and provide unconditional love and affection
  • Pets reduce stress, anxiety and depression
    • Petting a dog or cat has been shown to lower blood pressure
    • Studies have found that heart attack patients with dogs survive longer than those without
  • Pets in the house can lessen the likelihood of developing allergies or asthma in children
  • Pets provide structure and routine to your day
    • This is especially important for people who are living with mental diseases or stressful lifestyles
  • Pets improve your mood
    • Pets calm and relax people
    • Playing with a dog or cat can increase dopamine and serotonin
  • Pets promote social interaction
    • Walking a dog helps you to meet new people
    • There are clubs geared towards dog and cat enthusiasts, which are a great way for people to bond over a shared interest
  • Pets increase your activity level
  • Taking a dog for daily walks promotes weight loss for people, in addition to keeping your canine healthy

No matter what kind of a day you’ve had, your pets can make you happier and healthier.  We appreciate cats and dogs for all the ways that they enrich our lives.

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