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First Aid for Your Pet

By Small Animal No Comments

Whenever your pet has any medical concerns, you should contact your veterinarian right away. However, in emergency situations it is helpful to know some tips to help your pet before you can get him to the veterinarian.


If your pet is bleeding, apply direct pressure to the area using a cotton pad or gauze. Do not wipe at the area as this can dislodge any clots that have formed. Hold pressure for a couple of minutes before checking to see if the bleeding has stopped.

For larger bleeds, you can apply a bandage using rolled gauze or Vet Wrap. If the bleed is severe and on the limbs, you can apply a tourniquet. In these cases, immediately take your pet to your veterinarian.


Move objects away from your pet that it may harm itself on. Time and film the seizure to inform your veterinarian. Do not handle your pet as you may get bitten. When the seizure has ended, call your veterinarian and keep your pet calm and warm. If the seizure lasts more than two minutes, take your pet to your veterinarian right away.


Flush the burn with tepid water for 5-10 minutes and immediately take your pet to your veterinarian.

Penetrating Object

Do not remove the object. Keep your pet calm and warm and take it directly to your veterinarian.


Take your pet to your veterinarian right away. If you can see the object, you can try to very carefully remove it. Have someone try to keep your pet’s mouth open for you to do this, but keep in mind that your pet (if still conscious) may be panicked and may try to bite.

If you are not able to dislodge the object, you can attempt to perform abdominal thrusts. Learn how with this video:


Poisoning or Swallowing Something They Shouldn’t

Call your veterinarian right away. Your veterinarian may instruct you on how to induce vomiting in your pet. However, it is not always safe to do so. Some substances can do more damage if your pet vomits, so make sure to speak with your veterinarian first.

Not Breathing and/or No Heartbeat

This is an emergency. Confirm your pet is not breathing by listening near its nose, or watching its chest. Check in your pet’s mouth to make sure there is nothing obstructing the airway.

Check for a heartbeat by placing your hands on both sides of your pet’s chest around the armpit area or just beside the elbow. Feel for 10-15 seconds. If there is no heartbeat, begin CPR. If a heartbeat is present but your pet is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth breathing, but do not perform chest compressions.

Bring your pet to your veterinarian right away. It is best to call the clinic to let staff know you are on your way so that they may prepare for your arrival.

Learn more about CPR here:


It is a good idea to have a first aid kit dedicated to your pet. Here are some of the things that you should include in your pet’s first aid kit.

First Aid Kit Materials:

Bandage Material and Tools

    • Gauze or cotton pads
    • Bandage material such as Vet Wrap, rolled gauze and bandage tape
    • Scissors


    • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for allergic reactions, make sure to have a dose written down from your veterinarian
    • Topical antibiotic ointment
    • Hydrogen Peroxide (use only as directed by your veterinarian to induce vomiting)
    • Pain medication prescribed by your veterinarian


  • Your veterinarian’s phone number
  • Phone number, address and directions to the closest emergency veterinary hospital
  • Phone number for the Pet Poison Helpline: 1-855-764-7661
  • List of all medications your pet is on, as well as current/previous medical conditions


  • A muzzle
  • Tick remover tool
  • Tweezers
  • Styptic powder for broken nails
  • Sterile saline eye flush
  • Syringes
  • Blanket

In any emergency, always make sure to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Your veterinarian can give you directions as to what to do and how to appropriately use the tools and medications in your first aid kit.

Call our team at Coventry Animal Hospital with any questions. Your pet’s well-being is our number one priority.

Dog Bite Prevention

By Small Animal No Comments

Most people stay away from a dog that is growling and lunging; however, there are still countless dog bites every year, many of which are described as “unprovoked”.  As a community, we have raised awareness of the risk of rabies after a dog bite and we talk about the importance of socializing your puppy   and training it. There is still a gap in educating the public that ALL dogs are at risk for biting people.  For those with a farming background or experience with horses, this is comparable to saying, “I will never stand directly behind a horse, because all horses are at risk for kicking”.  Any breed of dog can bite if it feels threatened, whether it is considered to be a friendly family breed or not and whether it has a history of aggression or not.  This message cannot be repeated enough. 

The next point is that the overwhelming majority of bites are not random but are provoked by a stimulus to the dog.  Children are the most common victims of dog bites and unfortunately, are the most likely to be seriously injured.   Children are often bitten by familiar dogs.  For example, the stimulus could be a fast, erratic motion that makes a dog feel threatened or guarding of a valuable resource, such as a rawhide.

Apart from bite prevention through management (baby gates to separate a dog from a young child) and active supervision, the key is recognizing that the dog is uncomfortable and it needs more space.  Dogs communicate through body language and generally there are subtle cues that precede a bite.  Dogs generally bite as a last resort and only after their threshold of stress/anxiety/fear has been crossed.  Here are some calming signals  that a dog may give to show they are uncomfortable with an interaction:

  • Gaze aversion (avoiding eye contact and you can see the whites of their eye)
  • Yawning
  • Lip licking
  • Freezing in place
  • Whining
  • Scratching itself
  • Sniffing the ground excessively

Be your dog’s advocate, if you are in a social situation where your dog is giving these signals in the presence of another person, speak up and ask them not to pet your dog and remove your dog from the situation if appropriate.  Dogs can be overwhelmed in new places, with new people or with children that crawl or try to pet them.  It is important to educate children how to approach dogs and that dogs do not enjoy being kissed and hugged.

If you would like more information, speak with your veterinarian and check out these sites:

Infant bitten in “unprovoked attack” by family dog: What can we learn?






Xylitol Poisoning in Cats and Dogs

By Small Animal No Comments

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a natural, sugar-free sweetener. It is commonly found in gum, mints, food like jelly and pudding, mouth washes, human toothpastes, vitamins, peanut butter, and fish oils etc.

How Does it Affect Dogs and Cats?

When they ingest xylitol, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream which results in a potent release of insulin from the pancreas. When the insulin increases that rapidly it cause a profound decrease in the level of blood sugar. The effect that occurs will happen within 10 – 60minutes of ingestion.

Depending on the amount ingested, it can affect them differently. If only a small amount is ingested, it can cause an acute and life-threatening low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia. If a larger amount is ingested, it can result in acute liver necrosis and failure.

As little as a stick of gum could be toxic to a small dog. If you suspect any amount of ingestion, call a vet clinic immediately.  Effects of xylitol can be seen as early as 30 minutes after ingestion.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Collapse
  • Vomiting
  • Tremors and/or Seizures
  • Yellow mucous membranes
  • Black-tarry stools
  • Coma
  • Death

How Veterinarians Treat

There is no antidote for xylitol, although symptomatic treatment is necessary and beneficial. If you suspect that your pet has ingested xylitol, call your veterinarian as soon as possible! The veterinarian will work fast and aggressively with treatment. Treatment can include: inducing vomiting, monitoring of blood glucose and liver values, IV fluids, sugar supplementation, and liver protective medication.

Never hesitate to call, our team at Coventry Animal Hospital are here to help.

Marijuana Toxicity in Pets

By Small Animal No Comments

Did you know that Marijuana poisoning cases have increased 448% over the last 6 years?

Marijuana’s two main components are CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

THC – Is the psychoactive component of marijuana – which is the component that affects pets and makes them extremely sick.

CBD – Does not make you ‘high’, it is actually used at a higher concentration in medical     marijuana (the therapeutic component for pain management).

How Marijuana Poisons Pets

  • Ingestion of plant (any part of plant)
  • Ingestion of edibles (laced butter, brownies, cookies, etc.)
  • Inhalation of second hand smoke

Signs and Symptoms

  • Central nervous system depression – difficulty walking, tremors, seizures, etc.
  • Slow heart rate (sometimes increase heart rate)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Lethargy/ Sedation
  • Glazed expression and dilated pupils
  • Potentially coma
  • Signs usually can appear 30 minutes – 12 hours after exposure and can last 30 minutes to several days (depending on quantity ingested or THC levels)
  • High concentration = worse/prolonged effects

Edibles, Dried Plant, and Medical Marijuana

  • Edibles: #1 source of toxicity.
    • High concentration of THC
    • Top sources are cookies, butter/oil, brownies, chocolate bars, and gummy bears
  • Dried Plant: #2 source of toxicity.
    • Up to 30% THC
    • Vomiting is the most common reaction
  • Medical marijuana:
    • Some medical marijuana will have higher THC (50-90%)
    • Extremely high risk to pets due to the higher concentration

How to Prevent Marijuana poisoning

  • Keeping edibles up high in a cupboard that pets can’t get to
  • Put animals in separate room with good ventilation when smoking
  • Keeping the dried plant in a closed jar and safely out of reach from pets
  • Most important – Educate yourself, on the impacts marijuana can have on pets.

How do Veterinarians treat marijuana poisoning?

  • There is no antidote for marijuana, the only treatment is making the animal vomit and then addressing the symptoms

Medical Marijuana for Pets?

There are a few dispensaries in Ontario that sell dog biscuits and CBD oil. They do not have any THC in them; they are altered so the pet doesn’t get high but still benefits from the therapeutic aspect of the drug. They claim that these can help with anxiety, inflammation, cancer, bone pain, not eating, and end of life care. There has NOT been enough information and tests yet to prove this theory, so if you are thinking about trying these products on your pets always ask your Veterinarian about it first!


            If your pet has ingested any form of marijuana call your veterinarian immediately, this is not something that should wait! Large quantities ingested can be fatal to animals.

Never hesitate to call, our team at Coventry Animal Hospital are here to help.


Tick Season

By Small Animal No Comments

What are Ticks?

  • Ticks are external parasites that feed on blood.
  • They attach by their head and engorge by ingesting blood. Once they are engorged they fall off and lay eggs.

Where do Ticks live?

  • Primarily in grassy fields, low-lying underbrush, near water (including swamps), and urban areas
  • Increasing in population in Perth County
  • Endemic in Point Pelee, Rondeau Provincial Park, Turkey point, Long Point, Prince Edward Point, Thousand Islands, Pinery Provincial Park, Rouge Valley, and Wainfleet Bog Conservation area.

When are Ticks out?

  • They are out as soon as it is 4 C weather, but they peak in early spring and late fall.

Species of Ticks seen in Ontario

  • Deer Tick:
    • This is one of the most common ticks seen in Ontario today.
    • They transmit Lyme Disease to animals (deer, dogs, and cats) and humans
    • There have been a few Lyme positive dogs in Perth County!
  • Brown Dog Tick
    • More common in Eastern Ontario
    • Carries Borrelia, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

How do they transmit their diseases?

  • Ticks will bite and transmit bacteria from their saliva.
  • The bacteria in the saliva will infect the host
  • Majority of dogs will not show symptoms, but a few will. The symptoms are:
    • Fever
    • Decreased energy
    • Swollen Lymph nodes
    • Decreased appetite
    • Limping

How are the infections treated?

  • They are treated with an aggressive course of antibiotics
  • Untreated can cause kidney damage


  • Comb through your pets fur if playing in wooded areas
  • Medication from your Veterinarian – from March to December (your animals should be on prevention through this time)


Talk to one of our team members at Coventry Animal Hospital or search our website for more information on ticks and Lyme disease if you have any questions.

January is Walk Your Dog Month

By Small Animal No Comments

Whether you made a resolution to shed extra pounds or you just want to get back into shape, January is the month of resolutions. Let your dog be the motivation you need! January is “Walk Your Dog Month”.

Benefits of Walking your Dog:

Physical and Mental stimulation – Walking lets them explore new and exciting smells, and lets them use all their senses, which is a great mental workout for them as well as a physical workout (for your pet and you).

Teaches Calm Behaviour – Since walking drains their energy they will be calmer at home and hopefully be less destructive.

Incorporate Training – While walking you can incorporate training and leash training. Be sure to bring lots of treats and keep his focus on you. Walking every day teaches him the proper way to walk on a leash without pulling. If your dog struggles with loose leash walking practice in your own back yard first. January is also “Train Your Dog Month”, so stay tuned for that upcoming blog.

Improves your Relationship – You and your dog may already have a great relationship, but it can be made stronger with daily walking. It is a great bonding experience for you and your canine companion.

Socialization – Walking also will teach your dog important social skills. During the walk, she will encounter other people and animals, which will help her build confidence and not be scared of new experiences/pets. It is especially great for young dogs.

Tips for Walking:

Set a Schedule – Dogs love routine, set a scheduled time everyday when you can go out for a few minutes to walk. This will help you commit to your walks and will make your dog get excited for its daily walks.

Cold Weather Safety – Especially for young puppies, senior dogs, small dogs, and short hair breeds, it is important for them to keep warm on their walks. Jackets or vests are a great way to keep them warm and happy while out for a walk. Remember to protect their paws! Cold temperatures and the salt can be very harsh on their delicate paws. You can get booties or there are also topical gels/wax that can be put on their paws to protect them.

Take the Necessities – Always remember to take treats with you. Giving him treats on his walk will reward him for good behaviour and will keep his focus on you. Bring a water bottle, especially if it is warm out or you are going for a long walk. Keep you and your pet hydrated. The most important of them all, REMEMBER POOP BAGS. Especially in town it is always good to be a responsible pet owner and pick up after your pet.


Coventry Animal Hospital hopes these tips help you and your pet stick to and enjoy your daily walks.

Related article: 7 ways to turn Walking the Dog into a Workout.

Holiday Pet Safety Tips

By Small Animal No Comments

  As the holidays approach, so do the hazards of Christmas. There are many ways to keep your fur baby safe this holiday season; below are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Secure the tree – Anchor the tree down so those curious pets aren’t able to move it or pull it down.
  2. Ornaments – Cats and dogs are very curious by nature; try to avoid tinsel and ribbons, and keep lights away from your pets. Strings, ribbons, and tinsel are a serious hazard for cats and if they get swallowed they can cause serious injury or worse yet they could get stuck in your pet’s GI tract. Keep lights secured away from pets that will chew at them. A baby gate might be a good way to keep them away from the tree and any harmful ornaments.
  3. Leave human food for humans to consume – During this holiday season, it is best to keep human food away from your furry companion. Although it may be nice to give a piece or two of turkey to your pet, it can upset its GI tract and cause you further problems. Sweets, chocolate and other sugary snacks may taste great, but are not good to give to your pets. They will cause a big stomach upset and chocolate is toxic to dogs. Everyone loves cocktails during the holiday season but it is best to keep these away from curious “thirsty” pets!
  4. Holiday plants – They may look good, but did you know that holly, mistletoe, lilies, and cyclamen are actually toxic to both cats and dogs? Poinsettias on the other hand, aren’t toxic, but they will cause digestive upset. If you do have these plants around the house this holiday season, it’s best to keep them somewhere that your pet can’t access.
  5. Wrapping presents – Its fun to have your fur babies help with wrapping presents; however bows, ribbons, and strings can be a serious hazard. As already mentioned (especially for cats), ribbons and bows can be a fun thing for pets to play with, but not good if they swallow them. If you are looking for appropriate toys this holiday season, browse on My Vet Store for some options!
  6. Holiday glow – Candles look beautiful, but if they are in reach of curious noses or paws they can be very dangerous!
  7. A safe haven – As we already know, Christmas is a time of celebration and usually a lot of family and friends come to visit. You may love having people over and socializing, but sometimes our pets don’t. Have a room set up for them to be able to get away from the holiday stress and to be able to have a rest (without constant attention).


Our team at Coventry Animal Hospital hope these tips help your family have a safe and Merry Christmas!

Senior Pets

By Small Animal No Comments

What Does it Mean to be a ‘Senior’ Pet?

In Veterinary medicine a “senior” is commonly used to describe an older pet. Cats and dogs are considered to be senior when they are in the last 25 percent of their life span; depending on species and breed. Most pets at 7 years of age are considered to be senior, where as larger breeds have a shorter life and usually are geriatric by 6 years. If you think of it this way, a 7 year old cat would be 45 in human years. However, a 7 year old dog can range from 44 – 56 in human years, depending on breed and size.


How to Care for Senior Pets.

Generally our aging pets do need to have more frequent vet visits. This is due to older pets changing quickly and developing healthcare problems faster. Ideally an older pet should see the veterinarian every 6 months. Frequently older pets will have changes in appetite, drinking, and urination; all of which a vet examination can be helpful. A lot of owners just accept the fact that they have a senior pet and that its quality of life will decrease; this is not the case for the Mitchell Veterinary team. We want your pet to feel comfortable for as long as possible. For example, if a senior pet has arthritis, it doesn’t mean that he should stop playing and running. It just means that he may need pain meds, needs to lose weight, or to modify exercise to help them return to their playful “puppy” state.

Talk to one of our team members at Coventry Animal Hospital if you have questions about your senior pet.

Feline & Canine Diabetes

By Small Animal No Comments

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is when your pet’s body either cannot produce enough insulin, or its body doesn’t allow it to use insulin properly.


  • Genetics – Diabetes can be genetically predisposed
  • Lifestyle – obesity, poor nutrition, lack of exercise can increase the chance of Diabetes


  • Increase urination and thirst – if your pet is drinking and urinating more than usual, or even having accidents in the house, these signs can be linked to Diabetes or other disorders
  • Increased appetite
  • Vision Problems – pets can develop cataracts from uncontrolled Diabetes which causes blindness.
  • Lack of energy and an increased need to sleep – due to high blood sugar.
  • Urinary Tract Infections – due to the increase in sugar in the urine, there is a greater likelihood that bacteria will grow in your pet’s bladder.


  • The treatment of Diabetes includes regular monitoring of blood glucose, dietary adjustments, insulin given by injection, and keeping an eye on your pet.
  • Frequent vet visits and the costs can add up quickly. This is why we urge you to keep you pet at a healthy body condition and feed a high quality diet.

Give our team at Coventry Animal Hospital a call if you have any concerns about your pet.

For more information view these other blogs:

Diabetes Mellitus

Pet Obesity

Tips on How to Save Thousands of Dollars on Vet Bills

Keeping Your Pets Safe this Halloween!

By Small Animal No Comments

Halloween is fun for everyone, but did you know that you could be risking your pet’s health in the process? Listed below are a few things to avoid this Halloween.

  • Watch out for those curious noses and paws.
    • Dogs and Cats are very curious by nature. Keep them away from lit Jack – O-lanterns (especially if they are lit by candles), candy wrappers, and any party favors that could be a choking hazard (balloons and streamers, etc).
  • Keep candy away from pets
    • Candy, especially chocolate, can make your furry friends very sick. It’s best to keep this toxic food away from your pet, remind your children to not give any candy to your pets, even if they beg for a treat.
  • Keep pets away from the Trick –or- Treaters
    • Throughout the night your door will be constantly opening and closing. There will also be strangers dressed in unusual costumes. This can be very scary for our four-legged friends. Some dogs can get territorial and may get anxious or even start to growl. If your furry friends are allowed to stay in a secure room away from the door, this will prevent them from bolting out the door and keep them stress free!
  • Costumes
    • Only dress your pets in a costume if you know they are okay with it. Check that the costume isn’t too tight in any areas, it doesn’t restrict movement, hearing, or the ability to breathe or bark and meow. Watch out for costumes with rubber bands, these can cut off circulation and/or burrow into your pets skin.
  • Don’t leave pets outside
    • Some pranksters have been known to tease, steal, and even harm pets on Halloween. This is a horrible thing that can happen, but it is preventable.
  • Taking your dog trick or treating
    • It is not always a good idea to take your dog with you when you go out to collect your candy. They can be easily scared by children passing by in costumes, and even frightened by loud noises. If you do take your pet with you, walk them on a short leash and have them wear a reflective collar or flashing light to make them more visible.


Happy Halloween from all the staff at Coventry Animal Hospital.