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Feeding Senior Cats

While old age is not a disease, the body changes associated with aging make older cats more vulnerable to medical problems and disease. Cancer, kidney disease, and heart disease are the most common causes of non-accidental death in cats, but proper nutrition may help mitigate the risk of developing certain diseases and chronic conditions.

When is a cat considered senior?

The Feline Veterinary Medical Association (FelineVMA) consider cats over 10 years of age to be senior; however, based on other factors, including breed or genetic conditions, some cats may be considered senior at 8 years or less. At an approximate mid-life point, when a cat is considered mature (7–10 years old or earlier), it is common for cats to gain some weight and exhibit age-related physical and behavior changes. But before you consider switching to a senior cat food formula, it is important to first consult with your cat's veterinarian for a thorough physical and metabolic evaluation.

Typically, a “senior pet visit” includes performing a complete physical exam, collecting a thorough diet history, running blood tests, and collecting a urine sample for urinalysis. Since many of the diseases commonly found in older cats can be detected early on, your cat's veterinarian can perform a nutritional assessment during the physical examination to identify potential risk factors for nutrient deficiency or excess.

"Your veterinarian may recommend food with a specific nutrient profile to help support one or more of your cat’s age-related conditions."

Unfortunately, there is no single blood test that can be done to judge a cat’s nutritional status, but your veterinarian can combine information from the diet history and physical exam to get a good idea of your cat’s overall nutritional health. Based on their assessment, your veterinarian may recommend food with a specific nutrient profile to help support one or more of your cat’s age-related conditions. 

What is a nutrient profile?

A nutrient profile is a specific combination of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrient profiles are designed by pet food manufacturers to market their products for the different stages of a cat’s life. For example, the nutrient profile of a senior cat will differ from that of a growing kitten. It may also differ based on your cat's health – the nutrient profile of a healthy senior cat will be different than that of a cat with advanced kidney disease.

Why do senior cats need to be fed differently?

It’s important to understand that there are no established nutrient requirements for senior cats. What this means is that pet food manufacturers do not have a standardized list of minimum nutrients required for a senior cat food. Adult cats vary broadly in when and how they begin to age, so it is difficult to organize nutrient needs into a single set of requirements. 

Like humans, energy or calorie requirements in cats initially decrease in their senior years but, unlike humans, energy requirements start to increase around 11 years of age. This increase is because, as cats age, some show difficulty digesting fats, proteins, and energy. Many manufacturers keep this in mind and formulate to appropriate nutrient limits, but products can differ widely in calories per cup or amounts of total dietary fiber. Your best resource when choosing a diet for your senior cat is your veterinarian. Most importantly, each senior cat should be evaluated and fed as an individual.

How do I control calorie intake and avoid nutrient excesses?

It is important to closely monitor your cat’s body condition and muscle condition and keep both in a good range, as discussed in the handout “Obesity in Cats.” Controlling a cat’s daily calorie intake can reduce the risk of obesity and other diseases such as cancer, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, and immune-mediated disorders. Eating 20% to 25% fewer calories every day can slow the progression of age-related changes and increase a cat's lifespan.

Some older senior cats may need an increase in their caloric and protein intake to sustain a normal physique as their body condition and weight naturally decline with advanced age. The key principles for feeding a senior cat are to:

  • control calorie intake and avoid nutrient excesses,
  • ensure proper hydration, and
  • provide a balanced diet that has appropriate levels of fat, protein, phosphorus, and sodium.

Portion feeding plays is important for the feeding management of older pets. By shifting from food left out all the time to delivering your cat’s daily nutrients in two or more meals, you can quickly see if your cat is eating all their food. A decreased or absent appetite can signal an underlying medical problem, and it is one of the most common reasons why cats are taken to their family veterinarian. Portion feeding also allows you to better control exactly how many calories your cat is getting each day.

Be sure to ask your veterinarian for a specific portion recommendation and divide the daily volume into two, three, or four small meals, depending upon your schedule. Try not to rely on the feeding chart on the product label for more than a couple of weeks, since it can overestimate how much should be fed. You need a portion recommendation tailored to your specific cat's needs.

Once you know the appropriate quantity to feed at each meal, you can schedule periodic weigh-ins at home or at your veterinarian’s clinic to monitor any weight gain or loss. You should also ask your veterinarian to show you how to body condition score your cat at home.

How do I ensure proper hydration?

Water is the single most important nutrient for cats of any age. Aging, however, interferes with a cat's sensitivity to thirst, which is already low in cats and predisposes them to dehydration. Chronic dehydration can interfere with normal metabolic function and may speed the progression of a medical condition or disease that has not yet become obvious to a cat owner.

Make sure your cat has regular access to fresh, clean water and monitor the amount of water left in the bowl to see if there is any reduction in water intake. Have multiple bowls of varied sizes in different areas and all floors of your home. Water bowls should not be near food bowls, since most cats prefer not to drink close to their food.

Some cats prefer (or enjoy) drinking running water. If your cat prefers water from the tap, invest in a water fountain. Clean and freshen water bowls regularly to eliminate built-up debris. Feeding more canned food will also increase water intake.

What is the right mix of protein, phosphorus, and sodium?

No one knows the right mix of protein, phosphorus, and sodium for senior cats. However, it is known that dietary protein is a critical nutrient for maintaining good physical health in the face of aging. In healthy senior cats, providing the same high protein/low carbohydrate option fed to younger obesity-prone cats is reasonable. Once kidney disease is diagnosed, however, a kidney support diet with a modified phosphorus level may be chosen and fed to slow the progression of disease and positively impact the quality of life.

"In healthy senior cats, providing the same high protein/low carbohydrate option fed to younger obesity-prone cats is reasonable."

Excessive sodium in the diet can contribute to kidney disease and hypertension, both of which can be present for a long time before clinical signs emerge. Some have argued that providing excessive levels of sodium to increase thirst would increase water consumption and decrease the risk of lower urinary tract disease. However, the risks to cats with subclinical kidney disease and hypertension outweigh the benefits to bladder health. For these reasons, twice-yearly assessments by the family veterinarian can help identify emerging medical conditions in senior cats.

Do I need to be concerned about offering treats and snacks to a senior cat?

It is important to include treats and snacks in any discussion with your veterinarian about appropriate food choices for your senior cat. Unfortunately, many cat treats are loaded with excess calories, like “junk food” for people.

Your family vet may suggest purchasing commercial treats that reflect the nutrient balance of your cat’s chosen senior diet. Low-calorie treats are appropriate for cats of any age, and typically contain fewer than 4 calories per piece. Snacks fed from the dinner table are not balanced and may contain high levels of fat and sodium. Water-based vegetables, like fresh or frozen green beans, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, and lettuce are very low in calories and make good, guilt-free snacks for senior cats. Likewise, small servings of apples, bananas, oranges, or various berries served fresh or frozen make excellent treats.

With a bit of planning and monitoring, you can lay the nutritional foundation for your cat's healthy senior years.

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