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All Services

  • Additional Services

  • Emergency and/or Extended Care

  • Grooming

  • Medical Services

    We are equipped to handle a wide variety of medical conditions, including emergencies. Because we can perform many diagnostic procedures in-house, we can often give you immediate answers and start treating your pet faster. In some cases, your pet may…

  • Nutritional Counseling

    Nutrition is one of the most important elements for a long and healthy life along with genetics and exercise. We carry a large variety of preventative and prescription foods that not only provide excellent nutrition but also have been proven…

  • Pet Supplies

    We carry a variety of pet supplies to provide you with a selection of safe, vet-approved pet food, supplements, treats, toys, and accessories. Feel free to ask us any questions you might have about these products.

  • Preventive Services

    You can help keep your pet healthy by protecting him or her against parasites. Heartworms, fleas, ticks, and other internal and external parasites are much more than just pests; they can cause life-threatening conditions in your pet—and cause severe, potentially…

  • Surgical Services

    Our surgical services include spaying/neutering, orthopedics, soft tissue, and caesarian sections. All our surgical and anesthetic equipment is regularly inspected and maintained. For improved surgical safety, we provide IV catheters, IV fluids and pre-anesthetic blood work. Each surgical patient is…

  • Wellness Examination and Vaccinations

    Before each visit, the veterinarian reviews your pet’s history for past concerns, diagnosis, lab work, diet changes, surgeries, or recommendations. The visit begins with a registered veterinary technician asking key questions related to your visit, while getting an updated weight…