May 01 2018
It’s That Time of Year Again…. Flea Season
Did You Know? Adult fleas can lay up to 40 eggs a day Fleas can survive up to 7 months without food If it is colder than 13 C outside,…
Apr 24 2018
First Aid for Your Pet
Whenever your pet has any medical concerns, you should contact your veterinarian right away. However, in emergency situations it is helpful to know some tips to help your pet before…
Apr 08 2018
Dog Bite Prevention
Most people stay away from a dog that is growling and lunging; however, there are still countless dog bites every year, many of which are described as “unprovoked”. As a…
Mar 21 2018
Xylitol Poisoning in Cats and Dogs
What is Xylitol? Xylitol is a natural, sugar-free sweetener. It is commonly found in gum, mints, food like jelly and pudding, mouth washes, human toothpastes, vitamins, peanut butter, and fish…
Mar 19 2018
Marijuana Toxicity in Pets
Did you know that Marijuana poisoning cases have increased 448% over the last 6 years? Marijuana’s two main components are CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC – Is the psychoactive…
Mar 06 2018
Tick Season
What are Ticks? Ticks are external parasites that feed on blood. They attach by their head and engorge by ingesting blood. Once they are engorged they fall off and lay…
Jan 10 2018
January is Walk Your Dog Month
Whether you made a resolution to shed extra pounds or you just want to get back into shape, January is the month of resolutions. Let your dog be the motivation…
Dec 13 2017
Holiday Pet Safety Tips
As the holidays approach, so do the hazards of Christmas. There are many ways to keep your fur baby safe this holiday season; below are a few things to…
Nov 23 2017
Senior Pets
What Does it Mean to be a ‘Senior’ Pet? In Veterinary medicine a “senior” is commonly used to describe an older pet. Cats and dogs are considered to be senior…
Nov 02 2017
Feline & Canine Diabetes
What is Diabetes? Diabetes is when your pet’s body either cannot produce enough insulin, or its body doesn’t allow it to use insulin properly. Causes Genetics – Diabetes can be…