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Coventry Animal Hospital Discusses Feline Asthma

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What is feline asthma?

Feline asthma is one of the most common respiratory issues we see in cats. For reasons we don’t totally understand, cats with this issue have lungs that become very hypersensitive to things, which can cause a severe inflammation and constriction of the lungs’ passageways.

What are signs of feline asthma?

  • Occasional or chronic cough
  • Wheezing
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Severe acute emergency respiratory distress and open mouth breathing

What causes feline asthma?

Unfortunately, we don’t know why some cats get this disease. They seem to be hypersensitive to allergens that can include pollen, dust, cigarette smoke, kitty litter, and occasionally some pet foods. There are likely a lot more allergens that can trigger asthma that we are unaware of. Asthma can affect cats of any age and sex. Both indoor and outdoor cats can be affected.

How is feline asthma diagnosed?

Diagnosis begins with a trip to your veterinarian when you notice that your cat has developed a cough or respiratory difficulty. Your veterinarian will listen to your cat’s heart and lungs to rule out heart disease as being a cause for coughing.

Next, your vet may want to perform bloodwork and x-rays of the chest. Some cats with asthma have an increase in a type of white blood cell called “eosinophils”, which is associated with allergic responses. Chest x-rays will allow your vet to look for signs of asthma such as thickening of the passageways. It will also allow your vet to rule out other issues like heart disease, pneumonia and cancer.

Your vet may also want to perform a fecal test to rule out lung worm, a parasite that can live in your cat’s lungs.

Once your vet has all this information, she can make a presumptive diagnosis of feline asthma.

How is feline asthma treated?

Unfortunately, we have no cure for feline asthma. The good news is that we do have options to manage it and cats with the disease can live long and excellent lives.

The first line of treatment is to use a steroid medication to bring down the inflammation in the lungs and irritation in the lungs. While steroid medications are available in tablet form, they are also available as an inhaler to be used with a cat-specific chamber such as aerokat. The inhaler is a nice option to avoid the systemic effects of oral steroids.

In some cases, a bronchodilator may also be used. This helps to open up the air passageways, making it easier to breathe.

If your cat has asthma, you can also help prevent asthma attacks by using some of the following tips:

  • Keeping your cat a healthy weight
  • Avoid having allergens in the house such as dusty kitty litter, perfume, strong scented cleaners, and cigarette smoke
  • Minimize the amount of stress your cat has to face
  • Use a humidifier

If you ever notice that your cat has developed a cough, it is best to see a veterinarian right away so that she can help prevent your cat going into severe respiratory distress – which is an emergency situation!

Call us at Coventry Animal Hospital right away if you have any questions or concerns about your cat’s health, we are always happy to answer!

Coventry Animal Hospital Talks about Pet Fire Safety

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National Pet Fire Safety Day was July 15th

Did you know that every year pets are actually responsible for starting almost a thousand house fires in the United States alone? Take this story, for example, of a dog that started a fire by playing with matches:

Here are some tips to keep your pets and your home safe from these accidental fires.

  1. Supervise all lit candles. Cats are very notorious for walking on tables and knocking things off. This could lead to a fire very quickly, so always make sure you are in the area where any candles are lit. If you want to leave candles unsupervised, consider flameless ones.
  2. Remove stove knobs. This can be important if you know your dog tends to surf counters. If it does this on a stove, it can very easily turn a knob resulting in a fire.
  3. Do not use glass bowls. The sun’s beams can travel through the glass and be focused on one particular spot. If something flammable is in this area, it may ignite. Also avoid placing glass objects near windows.
  4. Do not allow your pet to chew cords or other flammable objects such as matches.
  5. Keep your pets secured. If your pet is a known chewer or young puppy or kitten, it may be best to keep it crated or secured in a safe room until you can trust it not to chew things or jump up on things it shouldn’t.
  6. Place a notification on your doors/windows. There are special pet alert notifications that can be placed in visible areas to let firefighters know how many and what types of pets are in the household should there be a fire.


It is important to have everyone know an escape plan so it can be done efficiently if there ever is a fire. Keep collars, leashes and carriers in easy to access areas so that you can grab them quickly should you need to evacuate.

We at Coventry Animal Hospital hope that with these tips, you can keep your pets and your homes safe from fires.


Coventry Animal Hospital Discusses Adopting a Cat

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Did you know June is adopt-a-cat month? It is the perfect time to bring a new furry friend home, as often humane societies are quite full with cats at this time of year. If you are looking to adopt, here are some things to consider.


It is very important to know whether you can afford to own a cat. If you adopt an adult cat, you need to consider costs associated with food, litter, toys, and medical care. It is very important that your cat see your veterinarian regularly, as cats are excellent at hiding problems . If you are considering adopting a kitten, you need to keep in mind even more expenses such as spaying or neutering, more vaccines and more dewormings.  Learn more about the costs of owning a cat or a kitten here:


Have the Family On Board

It is important to have everyone in the family involved in the adoption of the cat. Make sure everyone comes to meet the cat first and ensure that no one has allergies as this can lead to heartbreak later.

Find a Personality that Suits You

One of the best reasons to adopt rather than purchase is that rescues often know the personalities of their cats really well. Do you want an easygoing cat that is content to sit on your lap all day? Or do you want a more active cat that you can spend a lot of time playing with? Consider what type of personality you would like before you adopt.

Get the Necessary Supplies

It is best to have all your needed supplies before picking up your new feline family member. These include food and water bowls, litter and litterboxes, cat toys, a scratching post and cat tree to climb.

Consider Your other Pets

Consider whether other pets in your household will be okay with adding a cat to their group. While it is obvious that some dogs would not do well with cats, a lot of people think that their single cat would prefer to have a friend. If the cat you have at home did not live with another cat previously, it would likely be happier without another cat.

Consider a Cat’s Needs

While a lot of people believe that cats are easy to care for (requiring little interaction), cats actually do have many environmental needs and do require attention and companionship. Many behavioural problems that cats suffer from are often due to not meeting their environmental needs. Cats require play time so that they may express their predatory instinct and they also require human companionship. Learn more about how to keep your cat healthy and happy here:

Consider Adopting a Special Needs Cat

There are many cats in humane societies that are considered a little less “adoptable” than others. These include older cats, black cats, those that have lost limbs or eyes, cats with Feline Aids or Feline Leukemia Virus and cats with other medical conditions. Most of these cats can live long and healthy lives and there is something especially rewarding about taking care of these animals.

Once you have adopted a cat, make sure to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian team so that they can make sure your cat is healthy and address any issues you may have during the transition process. Research has shown that owning a cat can improve a person’s physical and mental health, and so Coventry Animal Hospital highly recommend them as great companions!


Coventry Animal Hospital Talks About Emergency Preparedness for You and Your Pet

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Did you know that May 24 to 30 is Hurricane Preparedness week? While we may not see hurricanes in Perth County, we certainly aren’t immune to other emergency situations such as tornadoes or fires. Many people know what they plan to do with themselves and their family in the case of an emergency or natural disaster, but people sometimes fail to consider what they will do with their pets. This can cause a lot of stress and heartbreak if not planned for ahead of time.  Here are some tips for keeping your pets safe during an emergency.

Microchip your pet: If your pet is separated from you in an emergency situation, this is the best form of permanent identification that can allow you to be reunited with your pet. Tags and collars are easily lost.

Keep a pet first aid kit: This is important to have on hand if your pet is injured. For tips on how to make a first aid kit, see our previous blog.

Keep leashes and carriers in the same place: If you need to evacuate quickly, it is important to be able to grab these things efficiently, without having to search for them. Have separate carriers and leashes for each pet. Even if your pets normally get along, in a stressful emergency they may fight and injure each other.  IMG_0109

Train your cat to be comfortable in a carrier: In an emergency, the last thing you want to spend time doing is struggling to get your cat in its carrier. Learn more about this here:

Have an emergency kit: This is a kit to have all the essentials in case you are not able to leave your house for a few days. This kit should include things like water, bowls, litterboxes and litter, blankets, medications, food, plastic bags, a can opener, your pet’s vaccination records and your pet’s first aid kit. For more information on creating an emergency kit, check out the Canadian Disaster Animal Response Team’s website:

Plan for evacuation: Make a plan now for where you might have to go in an evacuation. It is best to take your pets with you; some emergency shelters may not allow this. Where possible, try to plan to stay with friends or family so that you can keep your pets safe and with you.

Keep your pet up to date with vaccinations: If you are forced to leave your pet somewhere such as a boarding facility, they will require vaccinations be up to date as well as proof of this from your veterinarian.

If you need to leave your pets behind: Place many bowls of water around and secure them as much as possible so that they cannot tip over. Also open containers of food as well as cupboards so that your pets can have access to them. Keep the lid up on the toilet. Place a highly visible notification on your door or window for rescue workers to find. List all the pets that were left behind with their names and descriptions. Never tie your pet up outside.

Contact your local emergency management office: They may offer tips as to where you can shelter your pet in an emergency. Here are the websites for Stratford and Perth County:

The most important thing in an emergency is to be prepared. Planning ahead can save a lot of time and heartbreak for you, your family and your pets.

Coventry Animal Hospital Discusses What to do if your pet is hit by a car:

By Small Animal No Comments

Warm weather is here in Perth County and we are all enjoying time outside with our pets.  Unfortunately, sometimes our pets find their way into the street and get hit by a car.

 What to do if your pet gets hit by a car:

  • This should be treated as an emergency, but it is important to remain calm. Animals can sense your anxiety and it is important to keep them as calm as possible.
  • Watch the traffic. Your personal safety is priority number one. Make sure traffic is stopped before you cross to your pet.
  • Call for help. You may need an assistant to help move your pet or drive while you hold your pet.
  • Call your veterinary clinic to let them know you will be bringing your pet. If this occurs outside of regular business hours, then you can arrange to meet the vet on-call.
  • Use caution. Your pet may be in shock and may try to bite if it is in pain. Consider wrapping a blanket or jacket around your pet to restrain it and protect you from bites and scratches. Shifting an animal on to a blanket or board and then lifting the blanket/board with an assistant can minimize the animal’s discomfort. Consider gently transferring a smaller patient to a box if one is handy. It is important to keep injured animals as still as possible until they have had a medical assessment.
  • Don’t try to feed your pet, as it may need sedation at the vet clinic.
  • Animals that have been hit by a moving vehicle may not show outward signs of trauma (such as bleeding wounds or road rash) but they may have internal bleeding, broken bones or teeth. Unfortunately, internal bleeding can be delayed several hours or days after the incident. For this reason, all animals that have been hit by a car should be assessed by a veterinarian, even if they appear uninjured.


Heartworm Season is Here in Perth County

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While it may have felt like it was never going to happen, it appears spring is finally here in Perth County!  With the arrival of spring brings the arrival of heartworm season!  Here is some information to help you understand heartworm and why we feel prevention is important.

What is Heartworm?

Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) is a parasitic worm transmitted to dogs from mosquitoes.  Heartworm-infected mosquitoes inject immature heartworms into the blood when they bite your dog.  These worms then travel to the blood vessels around the heart and lungs, where they can grow into adults as long as 30 centimetres!  Adult heartworms can cause serious and fatal problems such as congestive heart failure.

How would my dog get infected?

Your dog could be infected by a single bite from an infected mosquito. rsz_leah_belfour3image

What are signs that my dog could have heartworm?

Dogs will show no signs of infection early on while the heartworm is growing.  When the heartworm reaches an adult state, signs of infection may include cough, weight loss and exercise intolerance. Because heartworm infections may not show any signs until they have progressed very far, we recommend regular testing for heartworm.  The testing is performed by taking a small blood sample that is examined by a Registered Veterinary Technician in our clinic laboratory.

What is the risk that my dog would contract heartworm disease?

While the risk is low, between 2002 and 2010, the incidence of heartworm in Canada has increased by 60%, with the majority of infected dogs living in Ontario. Also, most of the infected dogs were not on heartworm prevention medications. This increase is likely due to numerous factors such as increasing temperatures and an increase in dog adoptions from warmer climates. Furthermore, in Western Ontario coyotes can act as a reservoir for heartworm.

Why not just treat my dog if it gets it?

With heartworm disease, the saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” really holds true. Once a dog is infected with heartworm, the treatment is long, painful and can result in death. More serious infections could involve surgery to remove the worms from the heart. Prevention of heartworm is much easier and has fewer risks.

How do I prevent my dog from getting heartworm?

The easiest way to prevent your dog from getting heartworm is by placing your dog on a monthly heartworm preventive medication. These medications kill the immature worms that infect your dog and when used according to the label, are highly effective at eliminating these infections. Heartworm medications can have other benefits as well, such as preventing intestinal worms and fleas, depending on which product you use.

Here at Coventry Animal Hospital, our staff believes that prevention is the best approach to heartworm and all our pets are kept on monthly preventive medication through heartworm season. To discuss which product is best for your pet, contact us today!

We also recommend reading our blog update on Ticks.

Here is a quick tick update from Coventry Animal Hospital on Lyme disease in Perth County.

By Small Animal No Comments

Lyme disease is transmitted by black-legged deer ticks. The ticks are found most commonly in long grasses, forested areas and sand.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada:

Endemic (high-risk) areas:

  1. Pointe-Pelee National Park
  2. Rondeau Provincial Park
  3. Turkey Point Provincial Park
  4. Long Point peninsula including Long Point Provincial Park and the National Wildlife area
  5. Wainfleet Bog near Welland on the Niagara peninsula
  6. Prince Edward Point
  7. parts of the Thousand Islands National Park

Risk areas:

  1. around Kingston/Belleville
  2. along the Saint Lawrence valley to the border with Quebec that extend north east towards Ottawa
  3. in western Ontario in the region of Lake of the Woods
  4. Pinery Park on the shore of Lake Huron

Tick populations are expanding and it is possible that Lyme disease can be acquired outside the currently identified areas.

There are several ways to minimize your dog’s exposure to Lyme disease, but ultimately preventing tick bites is best.  Please give us a call to discuss the options for Lyme disease prevention that would best suit your dog’s lifestyle.

Mitchell Veterinary Services Discusses Normal Cat Behaviour

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Here at Coventry Animal Hospital, we are often asked about certain cat behaviours and why cats do the things they do. So today, we are discussing the reasons behind some of these behaviours.


Purring is one of the most common behaviours we are asked about. Many cats (in their home environment) will purr when they are feeling happy or content, often during interactions. Mother cats will also purr when nursing young. However, for some cats purring can be a way to help calm stress and they can purr when they are nervous or scared. Interestingly, cats actually purr in a frequency that helps promote bone and muscle healing which lends some truth to the old wives’ tail about sitting with a cat when you are sick or injured! This may also explain why cats can heal a lot faster than some other animals when injured.


Cats meow as a way of communicating with humans. Early on, cats must have learned that humans were poor with interpreting cat body language and so, started to vocalize for attention. Feral cats rarely meow to each other and that is why it is thought to be a communication tool evolved strictly for interaction with humans. Cats also meow at a frequency close to a human baby’s cry which is more likely to get our attention. Cats have different meows for different purposes (greetings, asking for food, etc.) and each individual cat essentially has its own language to get the attention of its owners.


The first time a cat kneads is as a kitten while feeding from mom. The kneading helps to express more milk and is therefore an instinctual and innate behaviour. However, it is not totally understood why adult cats knead and there are multiple theories. One theory is that it is just comforting to cats and reminds them of the comfort they had while feeding from their mothers. Another aspect is that it is a way for cats to mark their territory since they have scent glands in their feet. If your cat kneads on you, that means you are very special to him!


Cats scratch as a way to mark their territory and keep their nails healthy. When they scratch, the scent glands in their feet release their scent onto the surface.  This is such an instinctual behaviour that even cats without claws will still do the scratching motions.  It is important when you own a cat to always provide multiple areas for it to scratch. Make sure scratching posts are kept in areas where people frequent the most, as these are the areas where cats feel the need to scratch to mark their territory.

Rubbing Their Face Against Thingsrsz_1christine_beureman_chloe_img_20140404_165602

This is another form of marking territory through the scent glands in their face but also serves other purposes. The pheromones released by the glands in their faces seem to have a calming effect on cats. So, while a cat rubbing its face on things can let other cats know that this is his space, it also provides comfort to your cat knowing he is in a familiar place because of his scent. Rubbing his face on you means you are his and is a great symbol of affection.

Tail Quivering

Have you ever noticed your cat holding his tail straight in the air and it quivering? This is a great sign of affection and means your cat is super happy to see you!

While cats remain the more mysterious creature compared to dogs, it is nice to know that a lot of their interesting and unique behaviours are their subtle signs of affection for us!

Coventry Animal Hospital Discusses Pyometra

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One of the most important reasons for spaying female dogs is the prevention of pyometra.  It is an infection of the uterus and the name pyometra means “pus-filled” uterus.


The uterus is a Y-shaped organ that joins the ovaries and cervix.  The uterus is the part of the female reproductive tract that houses the fetuses during pregnancy.  The tissue of the uterus responds to hormones and prepares for pregnancy.  With consecutive heat cycles, the tissues of the uterus can become thickened and abnormal.  In addition, bacteria that are normally found in the vagina make their way through the relaxed cervix during a heat.  The uterus fills with pus and starts to break down.  Bacteria and their toxins are then released into the bloodstream, causing sepsis.  This preventable condition can be fatal if untreated.

The older the bitch, the greater her risk of developing pyometra.  Unlike human women, when female dogs get older, they do not stop cycling.  By the time a female dog is 10 years old, she has a 25% chance of developing pyometra. 



Signs of pyometra generally occur several weeks after a bitch has finished a heat cycle.  Often the dog has a decreased appetite and may have vomiting or diarrhea.  It may be dehydrated, have a fever and have a low energy level.  It frequently drinks and pees excessively as the body ineffectively attempts to flush toxins out.  There are two forms:

  1. “Open pyometra” – the cervix is open and pus can drain from the uterus – the dog will have abnormal vaginal discharge.
  2. “Closed pyometra” – the cervix is closed and pus cannot drain out of the uterus; as a result, the dog tends to be much more sick and may be more difficult to diagnose.


Prevention is the best option – spaying a female dog will avoid this disease.

Treating pyometra is complicated, expensive and the dog is often unstable, which puts it at a higher risk of death.  Its sick uterus needs to be surgically removed, like an emergency spay.  These patients generally need to be hospitalized on intravenous fluids, pain medication and antibiotics.

What about my cat?

Cats can develop pyometra as well, although some cats show no symptoms of being sick.  They may still have abnormal vaginal discharge, but tend not to drink and pee more.  They are treated with a pyometra surgery as well.  As with dogs, spaying your cat prior to sexual maturity is preferred.

My dog/cat is too old to be spayed.

This is a myth.  As long as bloodwork has been performed and a veterinarian has evaluated your pet with a physical examination and addressed any other health concerns prior to surgery, age is not a good reason to avoid anesthesia.  Female dogs and cats that have had litters can also safely be spayed after they are done nursing.

If you have any questions about having your dog spayed, give our team at Coventry Animal Hospital a call.

Coventry Animal Hospital Discusses Choosing a Dog Breed

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Choosing a Dog Breed

Spring is here, and that means puppy season! Choosing to add a dog to your family is a very important decision. Choosing what specific breed is equally important to ensure a lasting bond between your family and your dog. There are many important things to consider when choosing a dog breed to make sure that it is suited to your family.


Temperament (personality) is one of the most important things to consider. All individual dogs will have their own personalities, but each breed definitely has certain characteristics typical to it. While all dogs can be socialized to do well with children and people, some breeds have a temperament to be very friendly to all people, while other breeds are more protective of their family and less friendly to people they do not know. Some breeds tend to be very food motivated and easy to train, while other breeds can be stronger willed, making them more difficult and often challenging to train. Temperament can dictate how easy or difficult a dog is to train, and therefore, the amount of work and hours you will have to put in to make it a safe and well behaved dog.

Activity Levels

Consider your current activity levels and what you plan on doing with your dog. If you work all day and are hoping for a dog that will be ok with short walks or yard exercise, you need to find a breed that has a lower energy level. A breed such as a Border Collie would not do well with only short amounts of exercise, while a Greyhound could do well in that situation. Asking a high energy breed to live a sedate lifestyle can very quickly result in destructive behaviour and anxiety. If you are the type of person that regularly hikes or runs or plans on doing any dog sports, you should consider a more high energy breed.

What They Were Bred For

All breeds were bred for certain reasons or to perform certain tasks. This is important to consider when choosing a breed. Being bred for generations in certain ways means certain behaviours are innate for them to perform. Herding breeds were bred to herd. Therefore, if you have small children or other animals in the household, a herding breed may try to herd them. This can sometimes involve nipping and may not be ideal for households with children. Terriers were bred to dig for prey such as rats and moles. Therefore, they have an innate desire to dig, which may not be ideal for those who have very nice gardens. Because they are bred like this, it is very difficult to rid them of these behaviors and so it is better to avoid these breeds if you feel these characteristics are undesirable. Never get a dog with the expectations that you can change behaviours it is bred for.


Some dogs require regular haircuts and baths with a groomer (such as poodles). Other dogs with thick coats may require regular brushing to help decrease how much they shed. While other dogs require little to no grooming. You need to keep in mind the amount of time and money you would like to invest in grooming when considering a dog breed.


All puppies are small and cute, but you need to understand how large of a dog it will grow to be. Keep in mind that larger breeds will have larger costs associated with food, toys, medication and grooming. Larger breeds will also have more of a potential to knock over small children, even unintentionally. Also, large breeds are stronger and may require more strength to train and walk, as well as more room to run around and exercise.rsz_1photo_4_3


Consider the typical weather for where you live. Some dogs were bred more for warmer weather, so may require jackets and boots for winter. Some dogs do really well in cold weather, but can overheat in the summer and do best in an air conditioned home.

Health Concerns

All breeds have certain health conditions that are commonly seen in the breed. While many good breeders work very hard at trying to eliminate the issues, we still see certain breed predilections. For example, English Bulldogs are prone to having brachycephalic syndrome, which can require surgery to fix. They are also prone to food and environmental allergies which cannot be cured but managed over their life. The Shih Tzu is prone to eye conditions. Dachshunds are prone to back problems. Keep these factors in mind, as the cost and level of care involved in treating some of these conditions can be high.

Consider Adopting

Rescues and animal shelters will often know the personalities of the animals they have which takes a lot of the guessing game out of the process. They will know how they are with children or other animals and also know of any current medical conditions. Adopting is a good choice to know exactly what you are getting. Adopting an adult dog will help to decrease the amount of training and work involved.

Ask our team at Coventry Animal Hospital any question you may have about choosing a dog breed that is right for you.